Difference Wiki

White Eggs vs. Brown Eggs: What's the Difference?

Edited by Aimie Carlson || By Harlon Moss || Updated on October 10, 2023
White eggs and brown eggs have no significant difference in nutrition or taste; the color is due to the breed of the hen.

Key Differences

White eggs are often perceived as cleaner or purer by some consumers, while brown eggs are sometimes seen as more natural or organic. However, these perceptions are not grounded in scientific fact, as the color difference simply originates from different breeds of chickens.
The brown eggs are frequently priced higher than white eggs, usually due to the belief that they are healthier or of higher quality. However, nutritional content between white eggs and brown eggs shows no significant distinction.
White eggs tend to be more prevalent in supermarkets in certain regions, like the northeastern United States, while brown eggs dominate in others. Contrarily, brown eggs are common in many European nations, where white eggs are seldom found.
Some culinary applications may prefer white eggs for their neutral shell color, whereas brown eggs might be chosen for aesthetic purposes in some dishes. Both white eggs and brown eggs can be used interchangeably in recipes without affecting the outcome.
White eggs and brown eggs can both be used in educational settings to teach students about biology, nutrition, and poultry farming. However, neither white eggs nor brown eggs possess intrinsic differences that would make one more suitable for educational purposes than the other.

Comparison Chart

Shell Color


Popular Belief

Cleaner, Purer
Natural, Organic


Often cheaper
Often more expensive

Common in

U.S. (specifically)
Europe (broadly speaking)

Perceived Taste

Sometimes seen as richer

White Eggs and Brown Eggs Definitions

White Eggs

White eggs are often used in baking due to their neutral color.
I always use white eggs in my cake recipes so the color remains consistent.

Brown Eggs

Brown eggs and white eggs share similar nutritional profiles despite differences in shell color.
Despite their different colors, brown eggs and white eggs were comparable in my baking test.

White Eggs

White eggs may be preferred for dyeing in Easter celebrations.
The children chose white eggs for their Easter egg painting activity.

Brown Eggs

Brown eggs are often associated with a perception of being more natural or organic.
Some consumers prefer brown eggs, believing they are healthier.

White Eggs

White eggs refer to eggs with a smooth, white-colored shell.
I bought a dozen white eggs to make an omelette for breakfast.

Brown Eggs

Brown eggs are distinguished by their tan to dark brown-colored shells.
She purchased brown eggs from the local farmer's market.

White Eggs

White eggs are commonly found in grocery stores across the United States.
When I lived in New York, I mostly saw white eggs in the supermarkets.

Brown Eggs

Brown eggs are usually produced by hens with red feathers and earlobes.
The hens in my backyard are red-feathered and lay brown eggs.

White Eggs

White eggs are typically produced by hens with white feathers and earlobes.
The farm near my house raises hens that lay white eggs.

Brown Eggs

Brown eggs may have a slightly higher price than white eggs in certain markets.
I noticed that the brown eggs were slightly pricier than the white ones at the store.


Why are brown eggs often more expensive than white eggs?

Brown eggs are often more expensive due to the higher cost of raising brown egg-laying hens, which tend to be larger and require more feed than white egg-laying hens.

Are white eggs bleached to achieve their color?

No, white eggs are not bleached; the color comes naturally from the breed of the hen.

What causes white eggs to be white?

White eggs are white because they are laid by hens with white feathers and white earlobes, which is genetically determined.

Can white eggs and brown eggs be used interchangeably in recipes?

Yes, white eggs and brown eggs can be used interchangeably in recipes without affecting taste or texture.

How can I check the freshness of both white eggs and brown eggs?

You can check the freshness of white eggs and brown eggs by performing a float test in a bowl of water; fresh eggs will sink, while older eggs will float.

Why might some chefs prefer white eggs over brown eggs, or vice versa?

Chefs might prefer white eggs or brown eggs for aesthetic reasons in certain dishes, but there is no culinary difference between them.

Are brown eggs always organic?

No, brown eggs are not necessarily organic; the farming practices determine whether eggs are organic or not.

Is there a difference in the yolk color between white eggs and brown eggs?

Yolk color in white eggs and brown eggs is not determined by shell color but by the hen’s diet.

Does the taste differ between white eggs and brown eggs?

No, there is no significant taste difference between white eggs and brown eggs.

Is it true that brown eggs are fresher than white eggs?

No, the freshness of an egg is not determined by its color but by how recently it was laid.

Can both white eggs and brown eggs be free-range?

Yes, both white eggs and brown eggs can be free-range, cage-free, or conventional, depending on farming practices.

Does the thickness of the eggshell differ between white eggs and brown eggs?

Some people believe brown eggs to have thicker shells, but thickness can actually vary widely within both white eggs and brown eggs, often depending on the hen's diet and age.

Are white eggs genetically modified to be white?

No, white eggs are naturally white due to the genetic traits of the hens that lay them.

Why are white eggs commonly used for Easter egg decoration?

White eggs are often preferred for Easter egg decoration due to their light, neutral color that can easily be dyed.

Are eggshell colors consistent within a single breed?

Generally, yes; hens of a particular breed usually lay eggs of a consistent color, whether white eggs or brown eggs.

Are white eggs and brown eggs farmed or produced differently?

White eggs and brown eggs are produced in similar ways, though the breed of chicken, and occasionally, farming practices, may vary.

Are white eggs more popular in certain regions compared to brown eggs?

Yes, white eggs tend to be more popular in the U.S., while brown eggs are commonly found in European countries.

Can brown egg-laying hens and white egg-laying hens be raised together?

Yes, hens that lay white eggs and hens that lay brown eggs can be raised together in the same coop.

Is there a difference in the nutritional content between white eggs and brown eggs?

No, white eggs and brown eggs are nutritionally equivalent, with similar amounts of protein, fat, and other nutrients.

Can you hard-boil white eggs and brown eggs in the same way?

Yes, white eggs and brown eggs can be hard-boiled in the same manner and for the same amount of time.
About Author
Written by
Harlon Moss
Harlon is a seasoned quality moderator and accomplished content writer for Difference Wiki. An alumnus of the prestigious University of California, he earned his degree in Computer Science. Leveraging his academic background, Harlon brings a meticulous and informed perspective to his work, ensuring content accuracy and excellence.
Edited by
Aimie Carlson
Aimie Carlson, holding a master's degree in English literature, is a fervent English language enthusiast. She lends her writing talents to Difference Wiki, a prominent website that specializes in comparisons, offering readers insightful analyses that both captivate and inform.

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